These are set and enforced by the moderators.
No explicit content
We prohibit the posting of content that includes explicit sexual content, detailed violence, or graphic depictions of bodily harm. Artistic or educational content that contains nudity or discusses adult themes must not be sexually suggestive and must be clearly marked with a content warning (CW) as NSFW.
No hate speech or discrimination
We do not allow content or behaviour that discriminates against race, ethnicity, gender or gender identity (including misgendering, deadnaming, or promotion of so-called “conversion therapy”), sex, sexual orientation, native language, age, ability, marital status, family status, caste, national origin, socioeconomic status, religion, geographic location, or any other dimension of diversity. Xenophobia and/or violent nationalism, hate, hateful terms, symbols, imagery, and shorthand are strictly prohibited.
No impersonation
Deceptively posing as an actual or fictitious person, group, or organisation to mislead others about who you are or who you represent is prohibited.
No sock puppets
The use of use alternative “sock puppet” accounts to mislead, deceive, disrupt, or create the illusion of support is prohibited.
No trolling
Trolling and other forms of disruptive behaviour that undermine respectful communication and engagement is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to 1) posting content or replies with the intent to provoke, annoy, or upset other members without contributing constructively to the conversation, 2) repeatedly targeting individual members or groups with derogatory comments, insults, or other forms of personal attack, or 3) engaging in behaviours that deliberately derail or hijack threads and discussions away from their intended topics or purposes.
No spam
Posting or distributing unsolicited or repetitive messages, commonly known as spam, is prohibited. This includes advertising content, phishing attempts, and irrelevant postings.
No copyright infringement
Uploading, sharing, or distributing content without the copyright holder’s consent is not allowed. This rule applies to all types of media, including but not limited to written text, photographs, audio tracks, and video footage.
No defamation
Defamatory content, defined as false statements made with the intent of harming an individual’s or organisation’s reputation, is prohibited.
No misinformation
Spreading false or misleading information knowingly or recklessly is prohibited.
No glorification of violence or terrorism
Content that glorifies, celebrates, or incites violence, violent extremism or terrorist activities is strictly prohibited. This includes but is not limited to praising violent acts, promoting ideologies that endorse violence, or celebrating individuals known for committing violent acts.
No threatening behaviour
Any statements, images, or symbols that express an intent to cause physical harm towards individuals or groups are prohibited. Credible threats will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
Synthetic media
Posting of synthetic media that deceives, misrepresents, or harms individuals are not permitted. Content must be clearly labelled if altered or generated by AI.
All images shared should have text descriptions (“Alt Texts”) and compound hashtags should use "#CamelCase" (where each word begins with a capital letter). Avoid long strings of emoji and deliberately obscure characters in usernames.
Content warnings
Applying content warnings to posts that deal with potentially triggering topics is strongly encouraged.